Technology Service
There was a wide variety to my education
The road hasn't been smooth for me, the way filled with the twists and turns has left me on a long journey towards my final goals. I am proud to say that I was a student of University of Advancing Technology, I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Game Programming.
My education took me through the Navy, through Trade School, and finally through UAT to learn about Game Programming fundamentals. The various new formats of software layered on top of my understanding of electronics to create a deep understanding from how to use electricity to how to even control it.
From applications, to IoT, and all the various gadgets meant to support those technologies. I come up with methods of making a problem into a solution, a desire into a reality. While also making some killer gaming rigs. I can fix most things that run on electricity, but right now I am only accepting job offers centered around low voltage security systems, desktops, and laptops.
Not repairing smart phones at this time, sorry folks.